Scalable Pickleball Courts: MVP Project Overview & Strategies

Destination Pickleball offers a scalable, digital platform for autonomous pickleball courts. Located in North Carolina, we cater to professional and amateur players with an affordable and user-friendly booking system and modular court design. Our focus on community engagement, partnerships, and continuous improvement sets us apart in the pickleball industry.

Big picture plan of how our tech, partnerships and venues align.

Concept Overview

  • Project Goal: Develop an MVP for a digital platform focused on autonomous pickleball courts, scalable nationally with a global digital presence.

  • Target Market: Professional and amateur pickleball players, venue owners, and event organizers.

  • Location Focus: North Carolina, near military bases like Camp Lejeune.

MVP Features for Scalable Pickleball Courts

  • Court Construction: Basic yet functional courts using durable, affordable materials like asphalt.

  • Modular Design: Allows for future expansion or modification.

  • Amenities: Essential amenities including restrooms and basic seating.

  • Lighting: Cost-effective lighting suitable for evening play.

  • Digital Integration: Simple online booking system and user-friendly mobile app.

Digital Platform Development

  • User Interface: Focus on a streamlined reservation system.

  • Payment Processing: Digital wallet integration for transactions.

  • User Profile Management: Allows users to create profiles; minimal data collection for privacy.

  • Basic Analytics: Track usage patterns and booking trends.

  • Feedback Mechanism: For user experience improvement.

  • Admin Dashboard: For venue owners to manage bookings and view analytics.

Strategies for Scalability and Global Reach

  • Digital Marketing: SEO, social media marketing, and partnerships.

  • Community Engagement: Local events, tournaments, and workshops.

  • Feedback-Driven Iteration: Continuous improvement based on user feedback.

  • Partnerships: Local businesses, sports brands, and organizations.

  • Funding: SBA loans, grants, and other sources for expansion.

  • Future Expansion: Additional courts, amenities, and advanced digital features.

Financial Considerations

Additional Notes

  • Professional Players Engagement: Tailor facilities and events to attract pros.

  • Amateur Player Focus: Affordable, fun playing environment.

  • Land Acquisition: Cost varies based on location and size; strategic placement near military bases.