Securing Investment for Destination Pickleball’s Expansion

Secure your event travel needs with Destination Pickleball, the leading platform in sports tourism. With our unique revenue model and potential expansion into music festivals, we simplify consumer experience. Investing with us means you’re part of revolutionizing the event travel sector and setting new industry benchmarks.

Destination Pickleball is seeking investment from Donnie, with a focus on the sports tourism sector and potential expansion into the music festival and events market. The pitch emphasizes the company’s success and growth trajectory, as well as its unique revenue model that simplifies consumer experience. The plan includes strategic partnerships, operational integration, financial considerations, co-branding strategies, and customer engagement initiatives. Securing Donnie’s investment would position Destination Pickleball as a leader in event travel platforms.

  1. Pitch Development:

  • Craft a customized pitch for Donnie, emphasizing Destination Pickleball’s success and potential growth trajectory in the sports tourism sector and the strategic vision to penetrate the music festival and events market.

  • Highlight synergies with Donnie’s experience at Disco Donnie Presents and how his investment could revolutionize the event travel experience.

  1. Business Model and Revenue Streams:

  • Detail the revenue model, showcasing how controlling the vertical from flights to events creates a one-bill system that simplifies consumer experience and generates revenue through service fees.

  • Explain how the platform’s scalability can expand to various getaway and destination businesses, potentially capturing a significant market share in sports/event travel.

Strategic Partnership and Expansion:

  1. Market Analysis and Synergy:

  • Present a thorough market analysis that identifies the crossover between sports tourism and live entertainment audiences, underscoring the potential for Destination Pickleball to capture both markets.

  • Explore the ‘Peanut Platform’ concept, illustrating how the platform can start with pickleball and music events but eventually scale to other applicable businesses.

  1. Operational Integration:

  • Discuss the operational implications of integrating Donnie’s resources, including potential systems integration, co-branding opportunities, and cross-promotional strategies.

  • Outline a phased approach for integrating live events into the platform, starting with music festivals and moving to other types of events.

Financial and Legal Considerations:

  1. Investment Structure:

  • Propose an investment structure that aligns with Donnie’s interests, whether it be equity-based, convertible notes, or another mutually beneficial arrangement.

  • Discuss the implications of the investment on the company’s financials, control, and governance.

  1. Due Diligence Process:

  • Conduct comprehensive due diligence to assess the strategic fit, financial health, and legal considerations of bringing Donnie on as an investor.

  • Ensure transparent communication of risk factors, growth potential, and operational changes that might result from the investment.

Brand and Marketing Implications:

  1. Co-Branding Strategy:

  • Develop a co-branding strategy that leverages Donnie’s influence in the music industry and the established brand of Destination Pickleball.

  • Create marketing campaigns that showcase the new, comprehensive offerings of the platform, emphasizing the ease of booking and exclusive experiences for consumers.

  1. Customer Engagement:

  • Plan customer engagement initiatives that highlight the added value of booking through Destination Pickleball, such as loyalty programs, discounts on combined bookings, and unique event access.


Securing Donnie’s investment and strategic partnership would position Destination Pickleball at the forefront of both sports and music event travel. It would enable the platform to offer unparalleled experiences, creating a new industry benchmark for event travel platforms.